
Cigar Store Indians are an iconic piece of history.  Back in 17th century Europe, when illiteracy was very high, shops use to use symbols as signs for their shops and stores.  Tobacco store owners use to distinguish themselves by placing a single life-size wooden Indian statue outside.  This advertisement was appropriate as the Indian symbolized tobacco in a tradition that originated in Europe because the American Indians were the ones who acquainted the Europeans with Tobacco crop.

We are the largest designers, manufacturers and suppliers of solid, hand-carved mahogany Cigar Store Indians in the world.  Many of our styles have been seen everywhere in tobacco shops, cigar stores, cigarette stores, advertisements, trade shows, corporations, television shows, movies and more.

Each one is hand-made from a solid block of mahogany and takes time to create these beautiful works of art from start to finish.  From reproductions of famous museum Cigar Store Indians to custom production sculptures for major Cigar companies like General Cigar, we have the capabilities to provide a Cigar Store Indian for your home or a tractor trailer full to use as dealer promotions.

Check out our Cigar Store Indians in Raw form HERE.